Τρίτη 28 Ιανουαρίου 2025

https://www.facebook.com/groups/245770897793660/permalink/675176778186401/. Thank you all team Congratulations to all for Excellent work

A big thanks Dr salah Uddin Russel Congratulations to all I am proud for this and happy
 https://www.facebook.com/groups/245770897793660/permalink/675176778186401/. Thank you all team Congratulations to all for Excellent work

Certificate Of Appreciation 🌹❤️
Peace mercy blessing of God be upon us.
International Academy Of Cultures & Literature gladly awarding you with Certificate of Appreciation to participate in the research competition of topic "Literature " and your participation was in one part found where our requirement was in two part, prose version & poetic version.
Anyway we are grateful to all of you all for your great attempt. I can understand other part participation may be escaped of mind or you failed to manage time whereas I know you all are proven potential participants.
My best wishes to all of you.
I'd like to extend my heartiest thanks & gratitude to honorable Director & Jury Valeria Fazekas to give her best efforts in judgement
Best Regards

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