I feel proud Agron Shele AND a million thanks for translation by Vasil Çuklla I am grateful for this
Από την μουσική και τον
ξέφρενο χορό της τα πιο
μικρά ξεχασμένα
χορταράκια στο ξύπνημα
παραδίδονται ,διψασμένα
I feel proud Agron Shele AND a million thanks for translation by Vasil Çuklla I am grateful for this
Μέσα από την λεπτή σκιά
του μικρού σύννεφου
μια ξαφνική ειρηνική ταπεινή
ανοιξιατικη βροχούλα
ποτίζει το χώμα
του μικρού σύννεφου
μια ξαφνική ειρηνική ταπεινή
ανοιξιατικη βροχούλα
ποτίζει το χώμα
Από την μουσική και τον
ξέφρενο χορό της τα πιο
μικρά ξεχασμένα
χορταράκια στο ξύπνημα
παραδίδονται ,διψασμένα
τούτο το αγκάλιασμα το
γεμάτο μυρωδιές
ο Ήλιος χαμηλώνει
χαμογελά και πάλι νικητής
στις ροδοκκόκινες πέτρες
που η βροχή χιλιάδες φιλιά
είχε αφήσει
γεμάτο μυρωδιές
ο Ήλιος χαμηλώνει
χαμογελά και πάλι νικητής
στις ροδοκκόκινες πέτρες
που η βροχή χιλιάδες φιλιά
είχε αφήσει
Spring gentle rain
Through the thin shadow
the small cloud
a sudden peaceful, humble
spring gentle rain
irrigates the soil
the small cloud
a sudden peaceful, humble
spring gentle rain
irrigates the soil
From music and
frantic dance
the most
small forgotten
grass awakening
are delivered, thirstily
frantic dance
the most
small forgotten
grass awakening
are delivered, thirstily
In this hugging the
full of smells
Sun lowers
smiling again winner
the calcined stones
the rain thousands of kisses
he had left
full of smells
Sun lowers
smiling again winner
the calcined stones
the rain thousands of kisses
he had left
Poetët janë paraprijës të agimeve zbardhëllim, janë muza dhe shpirti i ëndrrave shpresërim, janë fryma dhe muzikaliteti i fjalës shenjtërim, janë koloriti më i ndritshëm i qënësisë tonë qytetërim!
Shi Pranvere – Poezi nga Eftichia Kapardeli / Shqipëroi: Vasil Çuklla
Posted on August 8, 2016
Poezi nga Eftichia Kapardeli
Shi Pranvere
Mes tisit të hijes
të së voglës re, që mbulon
i’a beh papritur, i brishtë
një shi pranveror
dhe tokën vadit dhe ujon.
Nga muzika,
vallet e sajë, të rrekura
më të voglat, të haruarat
fije bari në zgjim,
dorëzohen të etura.
Në këtë përqafim
të tejmbushur aromash
Dielli, sa nuk ra…
buzëqesh rishtaz fitimtar
guralecëve të purpërt
që vet shiu, mijëra puthje
ju la!
Shqipëroi: Vasil Çuklla
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