Τετάρτη 17 Αυγούστου 2022

Και το ποιημα μου απο τον Διαγωνισμο Θερμες ευχαριστιες για το Βραβειου του Ζαφειριου Με τιμα Thank you Roebain Christians and Sparkling Quill teamIm grateful for Acrostic Monday for this Saphhire Award


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Και το ποιημα μου απο τον Διαγωνισμο Θερμες ευχαριστιες για το Βραβειου του Ζαφειριου Με τιμα Thank you Roebain Christians and Sparkling Quill teamIm grateful for Acrostic Monday for this Saphhire Award What honor

making one feel strong, healthy, and full of energy.(Acrostic)Poem "
Improvement and happiness , the "best self", it is within you
Νot to give up, not to resign, not to be disappointed in life Smile every day
V ictory belongs to the most tenacious
I want to make every day worthwhile and special! Because every day is different and should have its own beauty
Glad things optimistic positive and exciting for personal development happiness and health
Οwe it to yourself to be what you want to be and organizing my time
Rest and take more care of your physical condition
Αround you is image, information, emotion, stimulus is the power
The goal is to become better and that you will succeed! To spend many beautiful moments with the people you love very much
I hope to reduce stress It does not offer much, while it does us so much harm in soul and body
Nο , I will not leave my life without a purpose and a future
Gradually build all a better future!

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