Τρίτη 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Good evening Sparkling Quillers I am delighted to announce the winners of Acrostic Monday with Roebain 💖Congratulations to everyone


Good evening Sparkling Quillers I am delighted to announce the winners of Acrostic Monday with Roebain 💖
to everyone 😍with Reshma Sabrina Sewpath,…
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— με την Charito Gonzaga και
42 ακόμη
R-econciled must are ideas, narratives, persons, groups, and God
E- thical issues that arise after injustices
C- are to restore a broken friendship
O- ur self with him we must reconcile
N- o one can accept reconciliation with death
C- onflicts between individuals and groups as well as personal ones
I-n vain I try to reconcile the harsh reality with my dreams
L- ove your opponents and enemies so you win
I-n the aftermath of bloody war, the resumption of cooperation between two parties
Α-fter illegalities or conflicts promises to repair relationship
T-hat forgiveness is a powerful means of reconciliation
I-ncredulous rumors ruined an eternal friendship
O- bligation the mother intervenes and reconciles the children when they quarrel
N- othing deserves more than the love of reconciliation in our relationships

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