Τρίτη 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Μόλις κέρδισα το "πρώτο" πτυχίο μου απο την ALISON στην διατροφη HUMAN NUTRITION

Eftichia kapardeli,
You have successfully completed and passed the Diploma in Human Nutrition. Your final assessment grade is 83.62%. You can acquire your official transcript and certificate through your ALISON Account.
Well done on your achievement,
Anna Parcheta
ALISON Certifications Officer
Diploma in Human Nutrition

Μόλις κέρδισα το "πρώτο" πτυχίο μου από την ALISON στην Ανθρώπινη  διατροφή HUMAN NUTRITION 
Ομολογώ ότι ήταν πολύ δύσκολη ενότητα με ιατρικούς όρους και με όριο 80 και ....αλλά πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα ...
.Congratulations! You are now certified in “Diploma in Human Nutrition”!
Congratulations, you are now Certified!
Diploma in Human Nutrition: 83.6% quiz score
The Diploma in Human Nutrition is a comprehensive introduction to the important role nutrition and diet play in maintaining
health. With the huge rise in diet related illnesses such as obesity, type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease we face
important choices in terms of diet and nutrition on a daily basis. It is also important to understand the role nutrition plays in
growth and development throughout our lives. This free online Diploma course provides an in-depth look into the three
energy-yielding macronutrients - carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Our bodies require us to consume these macronutrients
on a daily basis to maintain numerous bodily functions such as growth and providing energy to carry out activities. Humans
use plant..

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