Τρίτη 10 Μαΐου 2016

θερμά ευχαριστώ τον καλύτερο μου φίλο Agron Shele που δημοσίευσε στο περιοδικό του Μαίου ATUNIS την κριτική για ενα βιβλίο μου ΜΕ ΤΊΤΛΟ "ΦΩΣ'

Revista Letrare " ATUNIS" eshte ne shtypronje dhe pritet se shpejti qe te shikoje driten e botimit. Eftichia ka paraqutur vetem kapitullin me kritika dhe ese, ndersa revista ka dhe paraqitjet ne proze, poezi, intervista dhe faqen kulturore. Suksese Eftichia dhe gjithe kontribuesit!
θερμά ευχαριστώ τον καλύτερο μου φίλο Agron Shele που δημοσίευσε στο περιοδικό του Μαίου ATUNIS την κριτική για ενα βιβλίο μου ΜΕ ΤΊΤΛΟ "ΦΩΣ'  από την φίλη και ποιήτρια της Θεσσαλονίκης Κωνσταντίνα Αλαμπουρινού
 Agron την αγάπη μου
Τιμή για μενα με εξαίσια δουλειά
I warmly thank my best friend Agron Shele published in the May ATUNIS magazine reviewed one of my books from a friend and poet Thessaloniki Konstantina Alampourinou
Agron my love
It is honor for me with exquisite work


Το έργο της  μέσα  από   την μελέτη του  μπορεί  κανείς  να το χαρακτηρίσει  ως  έργο με  ανάλαφρες  πινελιές  ευαισθησίας  που σκιαγραφούν  ενδεχομένως  το ταμπλό  της  ζωής της.
Με λέξεις  απλές  ,λιτές με μια θρησκευτικότητα και πίστη  βαθιά προβάλλει την μεγάλη επιθυμία  για  μια όμορφη  ζωή  για  όλον  τον  κόσμο  και  προβληματίζει για  τα  δρώμενα  της σημερινής  αντιπαλότητας και αδιαφορίας.
Οι στίχοι  της  περιέχουν βιωματικές  αλήθειες  και  στιγμές  που  ζωγραφίζουν  την  διαχρονικότητα στις  αναζητήσεις  του  ονείρου.
Ονειρεύεται  συχνά  με  την  ελαφρότητα  του φτερού και την φθορά τα  καθημερινότητας
Στην ποίηση  της υπάρχει  η  αγρύπνια και  η  αθωότητα που  συναρπάζει  το επαναλαμβανόμενο   φως που όπως λέει και   η ίδια  στο ποίημα  της

Το φως…μια σιγανή  φωνή  σιγοψιθυρίζει…….μου  λείπει

Στο εργο  της   είναι σαν  να  ακούμε  τους χτύπους  της  καρδιάς της  με όλες  τις σκέψεις  τις  μυστικές, που δεν ξέρει  σε ποια γωνιά, σε ποια άκρη του κόσμου, σε ποιο  παράδεισο να ενώσει   τα κομμάτια της. Θα ήθελε στον μαγικό κόσμο  του ονείρου να περπατήσουμε μαζί. Όλοι μαζί χέρι με χέρι  για  ένα καλύτερο  αύριο.

Στους  υγρούς  τοίχους. αντικρίζω κάθε πρωί φυτρωμένα  λουλουδάκια   πληγωμένα   που γεννήθηκαν εκεί, ενώ  ονειρεύτηκαν μια  ζωή πλατιά  πιο ωραία ,πιο  φωτεινή

(Απόσπασμα από  το ποίημα της  το  φως  της  ζωής)

Και  η  αθωότητα με  τν παιδική  απορία, με την παρθένα  σκέψη κρατά  στην αγκαλιά της την αιώνια νεότητα την αιώνια ύπαρξη ώσπου  να ανακαλυφθεί το φως
Με λέξεις κλειδιά όπως  φως, σκέψη ,χαρά, όνειρα, ουρανός λουλούδι, αγάπη, πουλιά ψυχή και άλλα ……….αποκαλύπτει  την ευαισθησία της  και συνθέτει το έργο  της
Σημαντική η αναφορά   στην αγάπη

Ώριμος  ο καρπός της  αγάπης
Κρυμμένος  στην φλύαρη σιωπή της
Είναι σπινθήρας αγνότητας και παρηγοριάς
Ζητούσα σε ένα  κήπο ένα  λουλούδι
Ζητούσα  στην  μουσική  ένα  τραγούδι
Όλα  στην γη τα αρνήθηκα
Για  ένα τραγούδι και ένα λουλούδι

Τελειώνω  με  τις δικές της  σκέψεις τις  δικές της  ευαισθησίες
Όταν  κοιτάς μακριά  πάντα  βρίσκεις  τρόπους  να  σκέφτεσαι σωστά  απεριόριστα
Συναντώ  πάντα  αυτά  που  ποθώ  σε μέρη μακρινά Ταξιδεύω  και οι σκέψεις μου  είναι όμορφες Ο καθαρός αέρας  γεμίζει  τα  στήθη και αλλάζει  τους  παλμούς της  καρδιάς μου.
Οι επιθυμίες  γίνονται  ιδέες χίμαιρες για να ξεκινήσουμε  μια νέα   ζωή
Ευχομαι  να συνεχίζεις  να γράφεις ,να προσφέρεις  μια μικρή όαση  στον αναγνώστη  της καρδιας


Poets are the forefront of white sun rises, 
Are the muse and souls of dreams,
Are breadth of musicality and precious words,
Are the brightest colors of our humanity in a principled civilization.

Publikohet Revista ATUNIS Nr 3- 4

The magazine ATUNIS no. 3-4 is already Published

Falenderojmë Stafin e Shtypshkronjës "Lena Grafik" Prishtinë, me përfaqësues Hajdar Fejzullahu.

The magazine ATUNIS no. 3-4 is already Published.
Our staff sincerely thank the Printing House "Lena Graphic" in Prishtina, special mr.Hajdar Fejzullahu, representative.

Bordi Galaktika Poetike ATUNIS falenderon, stafin drejtues, editorët: Prof Muhammad Shanzar, Caroline Nazareno dhe gjithë autorët kontribues të Revistës Nr 3-4.

The Galaxy staff of Poetry ATUNIS thank the managing staff, editors :Prof Muhammad Shanzar, Caroline Nazareno and the all the authors that gave contributing for published the Magazine No. 3-4.


Poets are the forefront of white sun rises,
Are the muse and souls of dreams,
Are breadth of musicality and precious words,
Are the brightest colors of our humanity in a principled civilization.




Editor in Chief: Hasije Selishta Kryeziu
Deputy Editor in Chief: Dr. Albana Alia
Editor: Prof . Muhammad Shanazar
Caroline Nazareno-Gabis
Responsible for Literary Information: Agron Shele
Consultant: Peter Tase
Literary Editor: Enertin Dheskali
Graphics: Irina Hysi

Tirana - Prishtina

Published at the Publishing house Prishtina on _____
Table of Contents

Introduction – Editorial Staff of “ATUNIS”

1- The Figure – character in the artistic structure of the work of the author Koço Kosta.
Written by: MSC. Ermelinda Kashahu ( Albania )
2- Critical Appreciation on the Poetic Project of Eftichia Kapardeli
By Alampourinou Konstantina– poet ( Greece)
3- Proof of a Nation!
Literary Analysis, Essay on “ Cry of the Century” novel by Mehill Velaj
Written by Raimonda Moisiu ( Albania- U.S.A.)
4- POISON by Kinga Fabó, a book review by Linda Ibbotson. ( Hungary)
5- Parallels between “Thus spoke Mona Lisa” by Moikom Zeqo and the “Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown.
By Fatmir Minguli ( Albania)
6- “The Dance of Darkness” By Muhammad Shanazar ( Pakistan)
A Bard of Peace Written by Jagdish Prakash (India)
7- Critical Analysis on Duska's poems ( Serbia)
8- Albanian Valiant and Ancient
By Labinot Berisha ( Kosova)
9- Critical analysis on poetry of Malsore Llapashtica
( Kosova)
By Fatime Kulli


1- Beyond The Grey Curtain ( Novel ) By Agron Shele ( Albania)
2- Lenze / by Niels Hav ( Denmark)
3- Death in Ropes / Fatbardha Sulaj & Albert Van Der Steeg ( Albania – U.K.)
4- Short stories by Asror Allayarov (Uzbekistan )
5- Time Heals Everything / By Marjeta Shatro (Albania)


1- Poems by Adolf Shvjedçikov ( Russia )
2- Poems by Hasije Selishta- Kryeziu ( Kosova)
3- Poems by Marcela Villar M. ( U.S.A. )
4- Poems by Fatime Kulli ( Albania )
5- Poems by Senior Advisor: Sabahudin Hadžialić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
6- Poems by Nuri Can ( Netherlands)
7- Poems by Dorin Popa ( Romania )
8- Poems by Myrteza Mara ( Albania)
9- Poems by Maria Miraglia ( Italy)
10- Poems by Miradije Ramiqi ( Kosova)
11- Poems by Caroline Nazareno-Gabis ( Philippines)
12- Hajk by Lumo Kolleshi ( Albania)
13- Poems by Bilall Maliqi ( Presheva)
14- Poems by Ibrahim Kadriu ( Kosova)
15- Poems by Shefqete Goslaci ( Kosova)
16- Poems by Entela Kasi ( Albania )
17- Poems by Ardi Omeri ( Albania )
18- Poems by Natasha Xhelili ( Albania )


1- Poems by Cornelia Marks ( Germany)
Translated from German into English by Marco Organo.

2- Poems by Leyla IŞIK ( Turkey)
Translated by Baki Yiğit

3- Poems by Arianita Hoxha ( Albania)
Translated by Fatbardha Sulaj


1- Interview by Tatjana Debeljači vs Michal Mahgerefteh
Interview with Michal Mahgerefteh ( Israel)

2- Interview by Mimoza Ahmeti vs Irina Hysi (Albania)

3- Interview by Apri Presents vs Jeta Vojkollari (Canada)


Nakhchivan Region: A living Testimony of Azerbaijani and World History
By Peter Tase ( Albania- U.S.A. )


A Brand New Rose in the Garden of Albanian Literary Universe

Atunis Magazine comes as a prelude to sensations of contemporary Albanian art and embodies the values and individual literary work of poets, writers, translators and national and international scholars that are focused in writing poetry, essays and literary criticism. Apart from this, our magazine will serve as an ongoing bridge that will help identify the best cultural and spiritual values in Albanian literature.
Such a magic universe of word styles attracts all of us towards the ridges and valleys of muses and fantasies, it leads you towards western horizons, it succumbs you in the deepest quarters of pleasure, it gives, brings a renaissance towards the sunrise with morning dew, takes you towards skies of flying birds, the skies which are radiant in the shining lights of fiery stars and always embraces and impresses all of us without even noticing it within the gravity of sentiments, eloquence and greatness of artistic thoughts.

In the pages of this magazine, right at the beginning, there has been given a special priority to convey literary works, not only at the national plane but also internationally, in order to facilitate the common flow of different currents towards a universal thought, and above all, inclusion of readers within instants of subjective works, of attractive exploratory themes, at the same time as creative and metaphoric practices of arts in general.
Literature as a component of cultural description of all times, has emerged through a myriad number of shapes and forms and all this surge has only one objective, that of reflecting thoughts of essence throughout all times, as well as unraveling metaphysical subjects for more development, for more prosperity and social emancipation. In this context and within a variety of genres that have been shaped, here comes today the sculpture of our ideas, in order to discuss and serve as a mirror image of literary summaries which have been published here, lights and shadows of concepts, although it may always come against us.

The art of words in itself is a deep process of thought, the experience and inspiration of feelings and sublime emotions, it is a harmonious amalgamation with the endless nature of men without forgetting the stage of this theater that while on progress should evolve with dynamism, an expressive power and crafting of ideas.

In the focus of these literary trends there have emerged the expansions in time, space and geography of thoughts, conceptualized models of waves and truncated concepts and formal rules, vision of reasoning and perception of diversity within freedom of individual creation.

The presence of tools and new technological concepts have brought the world of arts into a new era of changes, very often debated on the way literary information has been treated, but what is serving as the foundation and all the perceptive sensations is the fact that all is published on paper, as a possibility of touching, paging and then a superior scale of feelings. In the garden of Albanian literary universe today is born a new rose, which brings an all-heartedly new color that will further decorate the literary landscape of Albanian literature.

Editorial Board of “ATUNIS”
 — μαζί με Enertin DheskaliMyrteza MaraMarjeta Shatro και 34 ακόμη

Editor in Chief: Hasije Selishta Kryeziu
Deputy Editor in Chief: Dr. Albana Alia
Editor: Prof . Muhammad Shanazar
Caroline Nazareno-Gabis
Responsible for Literary Information:
Consultant: Peter Tase
Literary Editor: Enertin Dheskali
Graphics: Irina Hysi

Tirana - Prishtina
Published at the Publishing house Prishtina on _____
Table of Contents
Introduction – Editorial Staff of “ATUNIS”
1- The Figure – character in the artistic structure of the work of the author Koço Kosta.
Written by: MSC. Ermelinda Kashahu ( Albania )
2- Critical Appreciation on the Poetic Project of Eftichia Kapardeli
By Alampourinou Konstantina– poet ( Greece)
3- Proof of a Nation!
Literary Analysis, Essay on “ Cry of the Century” novel by Mehill Velaj
Written by Raimonda Moisiu ( Albania- U.S.A.)
4- POISON by Kinga Fabó, a book review by Linda Ibbotson. ( Hungary)
5- Parallels between “Thus spoke Mona Lisa” by Moikom Zeqo and the “Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown.
By Fatmir Minguli ( Albania)
6- “The Dance of Darkness” By Muhammad Shanazar ( Pakistan)
A Bard of Peace Written by Jagdish Prakash (India)
7- Critical Analysis on Duska's poems ( Serbia)
8- Albanian Valiant and Ancient
By Labinot Berisha ( Kosova)
9- Critical analysis on poetry of Malsore Llapashtica
( Kosova)
By Fatime Kulli
Η κριτική του βιβλιου μου ΦΩΣ ΣΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΟ ATUNIS
The critical of my book "LIGHT" TO MAGAZINE ATUNIS
Critical Appreciation On The Poetic Project Of Eftichia Kapardeli ( Greece)
By Alampourinou Konstantina– Poet
Her work through the study of one can classify as work with bouncy sensitivity touches that might outline the dashboard of her life. In simple words, simple with a deep religiosity and faith bringing the great desire for a beautiful life around the world and concern for the events of today rivalry and indifference. The lyrics contain experiential truths and moments that draw on the timelessness of dreams searches. Often dreams of the lightness of the wing and the everyday wear, in poetry there is wakefulness and innocence excites the recurring light as she says in the poem:
Light ... a muffled voice whisper...... .mou missing
In the project it is like to hear the heartbeat of all thoughts secret, not knowing in what corner, which side of the world, what heaven to unite the pieces. Would the magical world of dreams to walk together! Together, hand in hand for a better tomorrow.
In damp walls. I face every morning germinated flowers wounded born there, and dreamed a broad life nicer, brighter
(Excerpt from the poem of the light of life)
And the innocence of childhood wonders ton; the virgin thought keeps the arms of eternal youth eternal existence until he discovered the light with keywords such as light, thought, joy, dreams, flower sky, love, soul birds and other......... .apokalyptei sensitivity and synthesizes the work of important reference to love:
Mature fruit of love
Hidden in verbose silence
Is spark chastity and consolation
Ask a flower in a garden
Ask at a music song
Everything in the land refused
For a song and a flower
I finish with her own thoughts its own sensitivities
When you look away always find ways to think correctly unlimited
Always meet those who desire to distant lands travel and my thoughts are beautiful
Fresh air fills the breasts and changes of my heart beats.
The desires are chimeras ideas to start a new life
I wish to continue to write, to offer a small oasis in the heart of the reader

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