Τετάρτη 2 Μαΐου 2018

Oracle By Kapardeli Eftichia

Oracle By Kapardeli Eftichia



God, tears eyes

by Archangel light

"Fate innocent" helper

in sharing the clergy double

and the weather became oracle


In the kingdom of temples

they received from the sky

with secret invisible scars

of roses showing


Storms sacred birth

their breasts

and seeded generations

serene souls in carved stones

their breaths


Sweets fell asleep

in echo of love

and the virgin olive trees

of hills

About the Author

Kapardeli Eftichia has a Doctorate from Arts and Culture World Academy. Born in Athens and lives in Patras. She writes poetry, stories, short stories, hai-ku, essays. She studied journalism AKEM (Athenian training center). He has many awards in national competitions. Her work there is to many national and international anthologies. Has a section at the University of Cyprus in Greek culture is a member of the world poets society. The official website is http://world-poets.blogspot.com / is a member of the IWA (international writers and artists Association) chaired by Teresinka Pereira, had from IWA Certify 2017 as the best translation and  is a member of the POETAS DEL MUNDO.


Θεός, μάτια δακρύων

με Αρχαγγέλου φως

«μοίρα αθώων» βοηθός

στην μοιρασιά  ο κλήρος διπλός

και ο καιρός έγινε χρησμός


Στην βασιλεία των ναών

έλαβαν από τον ουρανό

με των μυστικών τα αόρατα σημάδια 

την σπορά των ρόδων


Θύελλες ιερές γέννησαν στα στήθη τους

και έσπειραν γενιές

που στις πέτρες  χάραξαν

τις πνοές τους γαλήνιες ψυχές 


Γλυκά αποκοιμήθηκαν

στην ηχώ της αγαπης

και στις παρθένες ελιές των λόφων


God, tears eyes

by Archangel light

"Fate innocent 'helper

in sharing the clergy double

and the weather became oracle


In the kingdom of temples

they received from the sky

with secret invisible scars

of roses showing


Storms sacred birth

their breasts

and seeded generations

serene souls in carved stones

their breaths


sweets fell asleep

in echo of love

and the virgin olive trees

of hills

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