Κυριακή 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

It's honor for me these great words for an extraordinary poet-ΕΙΝΑΙ ΤΙΜΗ ΓΙΑ ΜΕΝΑ ΑΥΤΑ ΤΑ ΠΑΝΕΜΟΡΦΑ ΛΟΓΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΕΝΑΝ ΕΞΑΙΣΙΟ ΠΟΙΗΤΗ

MadanMohan Tarun Kapardeli Eftichia lost my all words.No pen or pencil to draw your heart. It is wide and tender as ocean jumping again and again to catch the moon. But, no, no no this is not the actual match.let the wind carry my letter to you which has misty words,may one read, may not one read. With my full sincerity. In praise of your creative freshness.

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